Chapter 35 I am a paratrooper (in)

Japan’s geographical location is special, and the second fortress area of Dongpulu left a small number of fortresses-it was built on the basis of cities such as Mazu Lake and Konigsberg, and was planned and constructed by Dr. Auguste, the most famous engineer in the Kaiser era, who fully exerted the topographic elements and had weak defense pertinence. The Poles were not afraid that the real threat was the Russians!
During a war, the fortified fortress was hardly waved too much. The real problem was that Hindenburg and ludendorff joined forces to strangle and attack the Russian army and fell into a state of annihilation. In the following three years, they did not dare to set foot in Germany!
After the defeat and surrender, Germany lost the Danzig Corridor and East Prussia became an "enclave". The defensive significance of the fortress area increased sharply, so the army lacked Germany in the 1920s and 1930s. The team still managed to strengthen this defense before and after the annexation of Austria and Czechoslovakia, in order to cope with the pressure from Poland. At that time, Poland foolishly claimed to be a military power. The Germans also transported some large-caliber heavy artillery to Koenigsberg by sea, but some of them were transported to the western front by railway before attacking France in concave O year. Although the overall defense of the fortress area in East Prussia did not reach the historical peak period in, the whole body was in good operation, with sufficient soldiers and materials. On April Fool’s Day, the Soviet Northwest Army dispatched two mechanized troops and four infantry troops equipped with various heavy artillery doors and light artillery pieces, and thousands of them rushed into the rugged and complex terrain of East Prussia from Lithuania and Belarus, which did not stop their predecessors’ revenge ambition. However, after they arrived in Mazuli Lake District, they stopped until April 2, when they broke through the German permanent fortifications in the periphery. The casualties have passed 60,000 and the shells and shells consumed are piling up!
On April 2nd, before dusk, 100 soldiers from the 7th Parachute Division of the German Army successfully landed in the western suburb of Koenigsberg, including 7 Giant heavy gliders, 4-port tanks and light assault gliders with horizontal blades, and a large number of anti-tank rocket launchers. This descending unit was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Lent Stephenberg of the New Jin Army, who served as a staff officer in the War Department for a while. After that, the flying young officer returned to the first-line post and took the command position of the 2nd Parachute Regiment of the 7th Parachute Division for the first time.
After landing, Stephenberg immediately reported to General Kirli’s headquarters in a reduced combat bucket truck. Now there are three whole divisions guarding the German * * team in East Prussia, plus some local garrison troops retreating from the front line. The total strength is about 10,000. According to the order of the High Command, their department is under the command of General Kirli, and this excellent 6-army general won the Yuan roll call award for his two-day stable performance.
"Celebrities from the navy will arrive tonight, but I estimate that after nightfall, the Soviets will take advantage of the opportunity that the net has just broken our outer defense line to storm in the direction of Koenigsberg. After a day of fighting today, our troops are also very tired! Colonel, I hope your troops can replenish to the eastern position as soon as possible. Here it is! " General Kirli’s eyes are red. I’m afraid he hasn’t had much rest these two days. His fingers are shaking slightly. On the map of the war, the German army is at a disadvantage of less than 7 on paper, but it is hard to imagine how bad the actual situation is in the headquarters.
"It’s an old kilometer from Koenigsberg!" Stephenberg estimated that "General, we need some trucks!"
Kirli turned his head and said, "Carl, how many trucks do we have? The paratroopers need to get to the eastern defense line as soon as possible! "
"I can still get twenty or thirty cars, but I can’t leave until after dark!" Answer 6: The head of the military academy is wrapped in thick gauze with a dazzling red edge.
"The Ministry is allocated to Lieutenant Colonel Stephenberg!" Kirli turned to the army lieutenant colonel "can’t Russian planes flying over our heads all day long and anti-aircraft guns are not big. We lost a lot of vehicles and drivers! Look, the commander of our transport unit also personally took the lead …
"I know the general! Thank you for your support. We will live up to our expectations! " Stephenberg solemnly paid a military salute to the two men. As he trudged away from the headquarters, a group of Messerschmidt fighters roared over Koenigsberg at sunset. These blue-gray painted naval units from Hawk came from Neo Marine. They can protect the fortress area in the face of amazing Soviet fighters. Now the first German aircraft carrier "Graf Tsibalin" has been in service for more than three months, and it has been trained since last autumn. In addition, it has taken two solitary Strasse. The USS is also nearing completion. The British aircraft carrier was captured in the North Atlantic War, and the naval warships of this scale were also installed in brest and St. Nazaire, France. Originally, it was not a slight preparation for the Soviet War. In 1998, the size of the Red Navy was not only really large but also few, especially the lack of cruisers. In the Baltic Sea, they were troubled by mines and German submarines, and they are still trying to cut off the East Prussian fortress area and the German defense joint.
In the early spring, the daylight is a little longer than the cold winter. As the night falls, the chill in the air is still very strong. When receiving the attack order, Steven Berg and his regiment arrived in Germany from France. Fortunately, the logistics department has already prepared their winter uniforms and materials. A white coat was originally prepared by the Nordic troops. After all, in the "Barbarossa" plan, most generals did not recognize that the situation needed to last until winter.
As soon as I came to cold and dry eastern Europe from the warm French coast, I felt uncomfortable. Officers and men could be seen everywhere. Soon the trucks sent by the 6 th Army arrived at the settlement area. The number of trucks was really strong, and according to the driver, some trucks or nets had just been repaired
Even if we tried our best, these trucks were packed with paratroopers, and Stephenberg was in such a state that some lucky soldiers got into the chariot by truck, while most of them marched into the war zone on foot with heavy combat equipment.
Steven Berg, the chief commander of the operation, took an armored communication vehicle descending from the ground and followed the 6 th Army convoy. The No.4 mouth tank was also in the procession. This improved tank with a long-barrel stone millimeter gun is the only one in the whole German team that can confront the tank head-on, but it is still a little worse, and there are more than 4 vehicles including the army.
Although the cross-country ability of the 10,000-type semi-tracked armored vehicle is good, it is still not very good to travel on bumpy roads, especially some bridges crossing river ditches and valleys along the way have collapsed in the Soviet attack, and cars have to be temporarily built along the pontoon bridge by engineers, which naturally slows down the crossing.
After nearly an hour of marching, the front line position in the east of Konigsberg was finally in sight. At this time, the ear exploded more and more densely, and the dark sky was reflected by the fire produced by the shell explosion for a long time. Before dawn, it was known that the Soviet attack was very fierce, but it was only when I saw this scene with my own eyes that Stephenberg really felt that this war was very different from the previous invasion of Britain. An enemy should be stronger than ever!
A few "off-target" shells suddenly flew over the position and screeched, which made people shudder. The driver turned the car to the side of the road by experience. Steven Berg and the officers with the car barely kept their bodies in balance and hid their heads and bodies as low as possible in the open armored car. The ground was shaking and the shrapnel hit the thin car body, making a strange noise. It was only able to resist machine bombs and small shrapnel. The car steel plate was actually not reliable in the face of falling shells at close range.
"damn it! Is everyone okay? " Stephenberg struggled to climb up and sit up. The armored vehicle has stopped. The air is full of choking smoke and dust. His face was rubbed by the car line equipment, and it hurt badly. Unfortunately, someone answered him in a panic voice.
"Lieutenant Lor is injured!"
"Where did it hurt?" Steven Berg groped hard, but someone took the tube out of the glove compartment before him. Suddenly, the light made the eyes accustomed to the darkness unsuitable for the young lieutenant Volhilol. He was looking at his chest with incredible eyes, and his military uniform was flowing along his fingers.
The officer next to him took out the first-aid kit in a hurry, but the second lieutenant’s eyes were getting bored. The driver tried to move the armored vehicle again, but the motive was to purr Steven Berg’s head out of the car and the crater was still braving the white smoke. A truck not far away had overturned but I don’t know if it was overturned when it was evaded, or was it blown over by shells. The bodies were scattered on the ground by the fire from the position. "
The cruelest battle is cruel because it is often done before people are ready! d
Chapter 36 I am a paratrooper ()
Fanlun, a city founded by Teutonic Knights, is also the hometown of Copernicus, a famous historical generation. In the era of Kaiser Wilhelm II, it became the westernmost support point of the fortress area of East Prussia. Around the city, there are permanent fortifications of all sizes, and even the whole city is integrated into this fortress body.
On April 2nd, 2008, the second day after the Soviet invasion, the 4th Infantry Regiment and the 1st Infantry Regiment of the Ugly Infantry Division of the German Defence Forces, together with some German defenders who had withdrawn from the front and had not been reorganized, had extraordinary courage. Two Soviet infantry divisions and an independent infantry brigade fought against the attacking fighters in Torun Fort, and 10,000 people got the support of a heavy howitzer regiment in addition to the artillery belonging to the division. Compared with defending German troops according to the city, there are four doors! Millimeter howitzers, mortar doors, mm howitzers, Lü men mm infantry guns and some bad mm anti-tank guns are only light and heavy mortars, but the remaining doors are less than one-third of each other’s. At the beginning of the year, the Soviet infantry division was composed of three infantry regiments, two artillery regiments and some directly affiliated units, which were slightly smaller than the German infantry division, but the firepower configuration was quite strong at full strength.
After the first infantry charge was defeated, the Soviet artillery shelled Torun City and the surrounding German forts from noon, except for less than half an hour’s artillery rest. They slammed for two hours, causing a large number of buildings in the city to be damaged, and German officers and men deployed in the first-line positions also suffered a lot of losses. However, because the number and range of artillery were at a disadvantage and were not within the scope of German fighter umbrellas, the German artillery continued to stay in various camouflage positions until the second wave of Soviet infantry attacked. These guns were put into counterattack in time. This time, the Soviets put four infantry regiments and strong tanks in one breath. Armored vehicles were supported by fighter planes and light bombers. Brave Bolshevik soldiers rushed into the city. Unfortunately, the Sufen War did not bring them enough experience in street fighting a year ago. The fine tactics of the German army were even more powerful than artillery fire. In just a few minutes, the Soviet dead reached a fierce mouth, and many people suffered heavy casualties. The key fortresses around the city were still firmly controlled by the German army, which directly led to a period of Changhong hours of shelling. Due to the huge consumption of ammunition, the Soviet army moved four car regiments to deliver bullets to the Soviet artillery outside Torun. A road composed of several car headlights and taillights appeared at night.
At night, the German bomber group attacked the Soviet Union in several artillery junction areas on the front line under the guidance of the surface line. Pilots also observed such a spectacular scene. However, it was difficult for Stuka dive bombers to carry out effective and safe attacks at night and the damage was handed over to another elite paratroopers of the army!
Under the cover of night, four paratroopers belonging to the 7 th Parachute Division of the German National Army carried out deep descent at the rear of the Soviet front, including four paratroopers under the jurisdiction of the most elite model battalion.
For these elite troops, the orders from the Ministry of War are very true. Guerrilla warfare attacks the Soviet army to the maximum extent at night, and transport troops with weak combat effectiveness in their transportation hubs and rear headquarters should be selected as targets. Before dawn, each battle group should return to the area controlled by the other side through the weak section of the Soviet front. If the law can be integrated, it will continue to lurk in the area controlled by the Soviet Union to carry out combat operations. If necessary, the Soviet Union will take cover, but it must be noted that once this situation is captured, it will be judged that the life of the spy is guaranteed according to international law.
As a matter of fact, German paratroopers, whether dressed in Soviet-made or not, must try their best to avoid being captured once they enter the Soviet-controlled area. The first descending combat group was personally commanded by Major gerhardt Schermei, winner of the Double Sword Silver Oak Knights Cross and a model descending commander. The first descending combat group took off from the airport in northeast Germany and went to Maertzke, a village about a kilometer east of Torun, to carry out the descending. Because of the night fighter department’s soil defense war, these transport planes were all covered by the law. Fortunately, the night fighting ability of Soviet fighters was almost the same, and the terrain around Torun,
After about an hour’s night, the flight transport fleet confirmed the target area and parachuted. For the model officers and men who are known as the "German No.1 parachuting camp", they accepted all kinds of strict training on weekdays. The night parachuting is also a designated subject. This is equipped with a mouth-shaped fast round umbrella, and ten soldiers can touch the ground in just over ten seconds after the rice jump. It is quite sudden and aggressive. This time, because of the particularity of the war mode, they led the troops and artillery not to land with them. The paratroopers who were a little lonely can rely on Mao Se and Mimi.
During the landing, the German paratroopers did not encounter the Soviet troops. Schmeixun gathered more than two paratroopers from the other two companies and carefully sent paratroopers to search around. The rest quickly put away the parachutes left on the ground and hid them in the bushes.
The paratroopers who went out quickly found a small village with dozens of residents in Mersk, where the Germans had withdrawn before the arrival of the Soviet army. Because it was located next to a road leading to Torun, the Soviet officers and men occupied the house and stationed their troops and guard posts along the way near the road. The paratroopers also found several Soviet tanks with unknown models!
After receiving these news, Schmeixun led the paratroopers to move to the village to prevent them from accidentally passing through Soviet vehicles. He specially arranged for two paratroopers to carry mortars and "iron fists" to the left and right wings to stop and then decisively put their main force into the attack on the village!
In the past two days, despite the tenacious resistance of the German army, the overall progress of the Soviet army was as smooth as expected. Warsaw and Orshtin East Prussia Fortress were all surrounded by the Soviet army. The Soviet officers and men in Maertzke were slightly relaxed in their vigilance and the materials in the Soviet Union were not enough. They searched the German residents’ wine cellars, looking forward to entering the wonderful scene of filming the forest with fruit wine, but they didn’t want the door to be kicked. After that, the German paratroopers rushed in with their hands, which was a wild sweep. Many people didn’t come and picked up their weapons and became guns.
The noisy gun lasted less than a minute, and Mertzker returned to German control. The smooth combat fully demonstrated the strength of this German army. Although the SS has always been proud of Germany’s most elite special forces, they have nothing to show off in front of the model camp. The theory of "universal paratroopers", which fascinated Studenterby at first, is gradually forming a dazzling rainbow in the Soviet-German giant contest!
Dure that battle, the paratroopers in Schermei seize the Soviet army’s hoeing tanks, six tankers and more than ten anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine gun deployed by the roadside without much effort. although they were unfamiliar with Soviet-made liver tanks and accepted the vehicle driving practice, the paratroopers tried their best to make these tanks work and deploy them to suitable shooting positions according to the major’s arrangement. The big harvest battle can be rated as ninety-nine points, so it is a bit embarrassing to be responsible for stopping the German paratroopers. After the guns came out of the village, they intercepted several Soviet trucks on both sides. Although there was a sudden attack, one Soviet truck quickly turned around and fled to the Soviet position outside Torun.
The paratroopers finally ambushed a transport convoy from the west and seized 12 trucks and a large amount of ammunition, but a large group of Soviet infantry came from Torun by truck to avoid getting stuck. Major Schrmer immediately withdrew his main force from the village and left a platoon to seize Soviet tanks and machine guns as defenders. However, these German paratroopers fully demonstrated what they had learned on weekdays. They killed a large number of Soviet infantry and seized the tanks in a blocking war relying on buildings. Professional assault warfare destroyed more than 10 Soviet transport trucks until the Soviet Union transferred tanks and artillery to guard the German paratroopers. After blowing up the seized materials, they quickly evacuated. At this time, their main forces had already withdrawn for several kilometers!
Because German paratroopers repeatedly raided the Soviet deployment, there was a flaw in the adjustment. At midnight, the German troops still organized a number of assault teams equipped with submachine guns and grenades. German soldiers raided the Soviet front under the cover of night, and they successfully destroyed an artillery position of the Soviet Union. After that, the German army also dispatched double bombers to carry out night raids. Although a large number of Soviet artillery were deployed in several artillery positions, these measures were still combined to deal a big blow to the morale of the Soviet offensive forces.


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